Director Li Hui from Gaowo attended the 6th World Internet Conference, co-building a community of shared future in cyberspace-News-News-Gaowo



Director Li Hui from Gaowo attended the 6th World Internet Conference, co-building a community of shared future in cyberspace

Internet is one of the greatest inventions of human kind in 20th century. And since created 50 years ago, Internet has gradually penetrated into economic, social, cultural and other fields, and speeded up the flow and sharing of the labor force, capital and energy. It not only promoted social productivity greatly but also profoundly changed people’s living and producing way, so that the world economy and culture pattern was influenced significantly, ascending humans to know and transform the world.

 And from October 20-22, 2019, the 6th World Internet Conference was held in Wuzhen,  Zhejiang province with the theme ”Smart connectivity, open cooperation -- building a community of shared future in cyberspace”. The conference provided a platform for all parties to exchange ideas, build consensus and work together to build a community of shared future in cyberspace.  And more than 1500 distinguished guests from government, International organizations, leading enterprises and social organizations were invited to attend the conference. And director Li Hui of Gaowo IP, a leading figure in the intellectual property industry, also attended this conference.

Centering on the four key sectors "science and technology", "industry and economy", "humanities and society", "cooperation and governance", the conference was set with 20 sub-fora and invited internet leading figures (including Ma Yun, Lei Jun and Li Yanhong) to discuss and respond to the concerns from current International society about development of new technologies and new forms of business, including 5G, artificial intelligence and the Internet of things .


And technology is changing with each passing day. After experiencing PC Internet and mobiles Internet, mankind has ushered in the era of intelligent Internet, and human civilization has also stepped into the era of intelligent society.


However, the Internet is a "double-edged sword". While bringing development opportunities and convenience to the human society, it also brings problems of intellectual property protection, information data collection and use. There is an important premise for the development and application of the Internet, that is, intellectual property rights, which will become an important link for the connection and realization of the scientific and creative world in the era of intelligence.

Intellectual property protection plays an important role in exploiting the advantages of scientific and technological innovation resources, promoting innovation-driven development and enhancing the capability of scientific and technological innovation. With the development of the era, “the Internet + IP” face more opportunities and challenges such as the the cycle of IP being translated into economic benefits is shortened and the IP protection becomes more complicated. And only through continuous innovation and reform can intellectual property enterprises seize the opportunities and meet the challenges of global intellectual property protection.

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