Congratulations on Winning Litigation-News-News-Gaowo



Congratulations on Winning Litigation

In 2013, Ma Xingzhou attorney represented the trademark “San Jing Gu”’s opposition review of administrative dispute litigation of No.5398473,among the parties of the Accuser-Anhui Gu Jing Gong Winery Co., LTD, the Defendant-Trademark Review and Adjudication Board under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce,and the Third Party-Hebei San Jing Industry &Trade Group Co., LTD, Beijing No.1 Intermediate People's Court hold a hearing to revocate the No.2013-14276’s objection review adjudication of Trademark Review and Adjudication Board, Gaowo attorney represented the client Anhui Gu Jing Gong Winery Co., LTD and finally won the litigation.


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