Cathy LI-Professional team-Gaowo


Cathy LI

Position:International trademark agent
Language:Chinese & English
Business area:Trademark&Patent

International trademark agent

Professional field
Trademark application for registration, recordal of license, change of name and address, assignment, opposition, renewal, revocation and invalidation in Asia, Africa and Oceania 

Professional experience
Cathy mainly engaged in international trademark search, application, assignment, opposition, review of objection and renewal. She keeps in touch with a number of agencys and law firms mainly in Asia, Africa and Oceania with rich trademark theories and practical experience. She assisted to file the trademark “CHUNGUANG” for registration in Cambodia, Thailand, South Africa, UAE, etc under the name of  HAINAN CHUNGUANG FOODSTUFF CO., LTD; the trademark “金六福” for registration in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hongkong, Australia, etc under the name of Beijing Jinliufu Wine Co., Ltd; the trademark “AIMA” “爱玛”in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Singapore, Japan, etc under the name of AIMA TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD.

Social activities
Member of Intellectual Property Research Institute of China

Educational background
Handan University

Working languages
Chinese & English

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