Pinghua Li -Professional team-Gaowo


Pinghua Li

Business area:

Professional Experience:

Mr. Li specializes in the field of intellectual property and company law, and has a wealth of experience in intellectual property litigation and corporate litigation. He has represented many difficult and complex intellectual property cases. His clients include Samsung Electronics, YKK Corporation, Shimano KK, Microchip, Strix Limited, POSCO, Meyer Burger, Nvidia, Xiaomi, BOE, Sogou, Double Medical, Xuhong Optoelectronics, China Enfi, CIMC and other well-known domestic and foreign customers.

He is good at researching and formulating relevant litigation strategies and response plans based on the customer's market goals and competition strategies. He has a technical background in mechanical and electronic fields, and his business scope involves Intellectual property litigation cases in the fields of Mechanics, Communications, Semiconductors, Computers, Medical, Chemical, Metallurgy and other technologies.

He worked in a well-known Chinese law firm with intellectual property. His practice focused on intellectual property and corporate fields, representing patent infringement litigation, patent ownership litigation, patent invalidation administrative litigation, patent invalidation administrative procedures, trade secret litigation, software copyright litigation, technical contract litigation, company dispute litigation and other cases and can provide customers with a full range of professional legal services.

Before starting legal practice, he engaged in technology development work in BOE and accumulated very rich experience in the technical field.

Successful Cases:

Represented Samsung Electronics in a series of patent infringement lawsuits filed by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. These cases involves a number of standard and non-standard patents. The two parties have finally reached a global settlement;

Represented the number one domestic orthopedic medical device manufacturer in responding to five patent infringement lawsuits filed by Johnson & Johnson;

Represented Shimano KK. in a series of patent infringement disputes with some infringing manufacturers;

Represented YKK Corporation in a patent infringement dispute with a Shanghai company;

Represented Microchip in a series of cases of patent invalidation administrative procedure cases with Shanghai Haier Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd;

Represented POSCO in filing an patent invalidation administrative procedure case against Italian Daniel and Kofisen Mekniz Co., Ltd.;

Represented Xuhong Optoelectronics in responding to patent infringement case filed by Asahi Glass Co.

Represented a domestic client in a series of disputes between shareholders of the company, involving trade secret dispute, patent ownership dispute, dispute that damages the company's interests, and company dissolution dispute;

Represented a US client in a technical contract dispute with a publicly traded medical company;

Represented a South Korean electronics company in a patent infringement administrative investigation case against a domestic company;

Represented a Hong Kong company in responding to an international goods sales contract case filed by a domestic company;

Represented a metallurgical company in responding to a second-instance case for a sales contract involving the product quality filed by its customers.

Education Background:

Juris Master, University of International Business and Economics

Bachelor of Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University

Bar Admission:

Chinese lawyer qualification

Patent attorney qualification

Working Language:


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