Yanyan QIN -Professional team-Gaowo


Yanyan QIN

Position:Director Assistant / Project Consultant
Business area:

QIN Yanyan

Director Assistant / Project Consultant


As a director assistant, Qin Yanyan plays a key role in the operation and connection of lawyer teams in various places, assisting the director lawyer to coordinate and supervise important cases and projects.


Legal research: In view of the Specialized legal issues that need to be solved in the process of project undertaking, relevant personnel are organized to conduct special research to provide theoretical and case support for the team.


Project organization docking: To coordinate the personnel organization and deployment of various legal service projects undertaken by the law firm, promote the project progress, and supervise the implementation of the project.


Case system construction: Combing, summarizing and analyzing the cases undertaken by the team and the industrial cases respectively to establish a case system to form a systematic legal physical research system for the team to provide clients with high-quality services quickly, efficiently and professionally.


Industry resources docking: According to the professional advantages and business resources advantages of the law firm, the resources of the law firm are docked and transformed to form the service advantage of the law firm.


Team system and cultural construction: Researching, guiding and standardizing the team culture and team characteristics to form team cohesion, improve the level of professional legal services, enhance service awareness, and form team force. According to different business types, different training, management and Construction of service systems should be organized.

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