MA Congbin-专利代理人-Gaowo


MA Congbin

Position:Patent Attorney
Language:Chinese and English
Business area:Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Technology, Genetic Engineering, In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents, Plant Tissue Culture, Molecular Biology, Fermentation Engineering, etc.
MA Congbin, majored in bioengineering, once worked in Annoroad Gene Technology Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in in vitro diagnostic experiments and analysis, high-throughput sequencing and interpretation of test reports. Later, he entered the field of intellectual property as a patent attorney. With ten years practice in the field of intellectual property, Mr. MA is quite familiar with patent application drafting, OA response, request for reexamination, request for invalidation, invalidation response and submission of public opinions in the field of biology. He is highly praised by a vast majority of clients.
Professional fields:
Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Technology, Genetic Engineering, In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents, Plant Tissue Culture, Molecular Biology, Fermentation Engineering, etc.
Typical cases:
Genetic Engineering:
Mr. MA has written the patent application documents of:
  1. Microsatellite Molecular Marker and Kit for Identification of Ammopiptanthus Mongolicus and Application Thereof for Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural & Animal Husbandry Sciences.
  2. Gerber Fruit myb Transcription Factor McMYB and Plum bHLH Transcription Factor PsbHLH and Their Applications for Fruit Research Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
  3. Micromolecule RNA-758-3p and Its Use as Anti-tumor Marker.
Plant Cultivation:
He has written the patent application documents of:
  1. Lily Cultivation Substrate and Preparation Method and Application Thereof for Lin'an Agricultural and Forestry Technology Extension Center.
  2. Gerbera Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation Medium and Its Cultivation Method.
Pharmaceutical Technology:
He has written the patent application documents of:
  1. Composition Containing Ashwagandin A and Application Thereof for Peking University.
  2. Method for Refining Apixaban from Crude Apixaban for Shandong Lukang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 
  3. Composition Containing Tripterygium Wilfordii and Its Application for Peking University.
  4. Bitter Ganoderma lucidum Spore Powder and Preparation Method Thereof for ShouXianGu Botanical Co., Ltd.
Working Language:
Chinese and English
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